The Daily News

Gambling Jun 22, 2024

The Daily News is a New York City newspaper. The paper was founded in 1919 and is the oldest continuously published newspaper in the United States. Its current circulation is about 1.28 million. It covers national and international politics, business, culture, sports, and celebrity news. It also includes a section for classified ads, comics, and local news. The newspaper is available online and at local newsstands. The New York Times and USA Today are its main competitors.

Daily newspapers are popular reading in countries around the world. They are often printed in multiple languages, and feature stories, interviews, and analysis from a variety of sources. Many include a crossword or other puzzle. Newspapers also contain political cartoons and opinion pieces. They may have photos and other graphics to help readers understand complex issues. They are read by people of all ages and backgrounds.

In the early 21st century, no printed newspaper emerged unscathed from the explosion of online news and information. Even the venerable New York Daily News lost half its readership in just a few years. But it is experiencing something of a renaissance thanks to its coverage of the presidential election and the rise of Donald Trump. The paper is retooling itself and returning to its roots as a provocative tabloid.

Joseph Medill Patterson, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, founded the Daily News in 1919 to capitalize on the popularity of the rival New York Post. The Daily News quickly became known for its lurid, evocative headlines. One famous example: “FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD.”

The paper’s reputation for provocative reporting and sensational headlines continued in the 1960s, when it launched the tabloid TV station WPIX, which aired from the building that would later become its home at 220 East 42nd Street. The building, designed by John Mead Howells and Raymond Hood and modeled on the Daily Planet building in the Superman films, is an official city landmark. The News moved to a new facility at 5 Manhattan West in 1995.

Today, the New York Daily News is a major metropolitan newspaper with offices in several locations including the Bronx and Brooklyn. Its website provides extensive information about current events, including breaking news. It also provides links to original articles from reputable news sources.

If you’re looking for a concise, efficient way to get your news in the morning, look no further than the Daily Beast’s Cheat Sheet. This twice-daily newsletter curates must-reads from the cream of the journalism crop, presenting them with a summary and photo, and linking to each original article if you want to read more. It is free to subscribe via email or on its website.

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