Searching For Business News at the Library of Congress

Gambling Jun 25, 2024

Business news is the reporting of events and issues related to the business world. This can include everything from new products and services to company mergers and acquisitions. It can also encompass reports on the stock market and government regulations that affect businesses. Business news is generally found in newspapers, magazines, television broadcasts and the internet.

A business is an organisation that exchanges goods or services for money. It can be for profit or non-profit and is owned by individuals, companies or organisations. There are different types of businesses and they operate in various industries. Some are very large and are known as multinational corporations. Others are very small and locally owned. Many people work in businesses to earn their livings. Some businesses are very profitable and others are not so profitable.

The Library of Congress has a wealth of resources for researching business topics. This guide has been designed to help you find these resources. It has been created by experts in Business Reference Services and includes a wide variety of sources.

This resource is not comprehensive, and it is possible that we may not have coverage of every news item affecting the business world. Nevertheless, the information it contains should be sufficient for most researchers. If you cannot find what you need in this guide, please feel free to contact us with questions. We are always happy to assist you.

This guide is a compilation of print and microform business news sources available in the Library of Congress. The focus is on sources that provide both national and international news. In addition, the guide provides tips on searching for regional business news.

If you are looking for specific news about the business world, you should consult the Library of Congress Catalog and other online resources to identify print and microform titles. You can also ask a librarian at the library for assistance.

With more than 10 years of experience in organic search strategy, Adam brings a deep understanding of content marketing and entrepreneurship to his role as editor at Business News Daily. A graduate of Rutgers University, he applies his skills to the most impactful stories in the startup space. He also oversees editorial for Centerfield, a digital marketing agency that specializes in working with early stage startups.

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