New Laws in New York

Gambling Jun 29, 2024

New law is a broad term used to describe any area of the practice of law that’s different from or an alternative to traditional legal services. This could include anything from alternative legal service providers (ALSPs) to non-traditional firms that provide supplemental legal services outside of the firm’s primary focus to startup companies that are looking for ways to innovate the legal sector. Whatever the specifics, law new is a field that’s growing fast and one that all lawyers should consider if they want to stay competitive in their market.

Several major laws went into effect at midnight on January 1st in New York City, Westchester and Long Island. These include raising the minimum wage to $16 per hour in NYC, $15 per hour in the rest of the State, and a ban on the sale of force-fed products in retail stores. Other legislation is aimed at improving worker rights, addressing health and school resources and combating bias-related crimes.

In 2024, a law will require that NYCHA tenants be notified within 24 hours of any water samples that show contaminated drinking water and that those who are hired to examine the results of such tests follow all federal, state and local laws and regulations. Another law will prohibit the installation of keyless security devices that allow building access without a tenant’s keys.

The state is also tackling drug abuse with a bill called “Matthew’s Law,” which allows local pharmacies and health care providers to distribute fentanyl testing kits to people who may be at risk of overdoses. This is a life-saving measure named after Matthew Horan, an 18-year-old man who died of a fentanyl overdose in 2020. Another life-saving measure is a new law that expands the eligibility of crime victims for victim compensation funds.

A New York lawmaker can propose legislation by creating a draft of a new law. This is referred to as a bill and is presented to the legislature for consideration. If the bill is passed by both houses of the legislature, it becomes a law. The Governor has 10 days to sign a law passed by both houses or to veto it. If the Governor does not sign or veto a law within 10 days, it automatically becomes law.

A lawmaker can also amend an existing law to make changes. This is done by filing a bill amendment. When a bill is amended, it must pass through the same process as a new proposal to become law. Generally, the Governor will sign any amendments that are passed through both houses of the legislature into law. However, if the Governor vetoes a bill amendment, it can be overridden by two-thirds of both the Senate and House of Representatives voting to do so.

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