New Approaches to Practice

Gambling Feb 24, 2025

As legal professionals grapple with the reality that client demands are changing more rapidly than law firms can respond, many are experimenting with new approaches to practice. One such approach is known as “law new.” Law new involves offering clients a wide range of legal services and working in ways that differ from traditional practices. This may include working with underserved communities, using technology to deliver legal services and focusing on process. It also means embracing alternative fee structures and using non-traditional staffing.

It is difficult to pin down exactly what law new will look like, but a few key themes are beginning to take shape. One is that it will involve a holistically diverse team of legal practitioners and allied legal professionals who are highly tech and data proficient, creative, empathetic, and collaborative. A second is that it will be customer-centric and focused on the design of fit-for-purpose legal technology that supports business objectives, drives impact, and delivers value. Finally, it will be a team sport that is driven by cross-functional collaboration with other corporate business units and industries.

The Laws of New York City

New laws (also known as bills) are proposed and passed by the legislative branch of the government, which includes both the City Council and the New York State Legislature. Legislators are elected to represent their constituents, which means that they listen to their constituents’ concerns and work to create laws based on those needs. The legislative process in both the United States Congress and the New York State Legislature is open, with members of both houses of Congress hearing suggestions from their constituents and considering the issues before them in order to make decisions on the nation’s future.

After a bill is passed by both houses of the legislature, it’s sent to the Mayor for signature or veto. If the Mayor signs a bill, it becomes law; if the Mayor vetoes a bill, it can be overridden by Council with a 2/3 vote of approval. After a bill has been passed and signed into law, it’s added to the Charter or Administrative Code of the City of New York.

The laws that govern NYC’s agencies are published in the New York City Laws and Rules. These laws are available online, in hard copy and by telephone through the New York City Laws and Rules Hotline.

The law of New York is the body of federal, state and local laws governing the conduct of residents, businesses and organizations in the City. The law of New York consists of several levels, including constitutional, statutory, regulatory and case law.

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