How to Write an Article About Entertaiment

Gambling Jul 18, 2024

As a result of the economy, many consumers are seeking inexpensive entertainment options. Movies are being rented at the local discount theater, music is being downloaded through sites like eBay and Craigslist and people are swapping DVD’s and CD’s with friends. The once thriving record and film industries are struggling but independent recording artists, producers and filmmakers have adapted and found new ways to market their work and make a profit.

The word entertaiment has its roots in the Latin word intertenere meaning “to hold inside.” With the advent of digital technology and the internet, it is easier than ever for entertainers to put their work out there. Some entertainers are even using their talents to promote humanitarian causes such as the Susan G. Komen for the Cure initiative (SU2C).

To be successful at writing an article about entertaiment, you must first know your audience. Ask yourself the five W’s: who, where, what, when and why to help narrow down your focus. Keeping your target audience in mind will also help you decide how to approach the topic and what kind of tone and language to use. Writing in a style that engages all the senses is another important element in entertainment writing: show, don’t tell; use words to paint pictures and transport your reader into the story.

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