News is an important part of our daily lives. We need to know what’s going on in our communities and around the world, but keeping up with the latest developments can be a challenge, especially with all the different sources, controversies, and talking points that are constantly popping up. Thankfully, there are a number of excellent podcasts that offer a quick and easy way to keep up with the latest headlines.
The New York Times’ flagship daily news podcast is a straightforward, informative, and compelling look at the day’s top stories. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise, the Daily dives deep into a few key story topics each day, drawing from the New York Times’ wide roster of talented journalists. The show has a strong reputation for its ability to make complex and controversial political issues relatable, making it an excellent choice for people interested in understanding the big picture of current events.
For a more straightforward news summary, try The Brief. This podcast from Time Magazine features straight-up narrations of one of the publication’s most popular articles each day, focusing on the biggest current events in the US and around the world. The show can sometimes be a bit too heavy on the politics, but it’s a great option for those who want to get the facts without having to listen to a chatty host.
NPR’s Up First is another reliable source for comprehensive coverage of the day’s top stories, with a focus on international news and a range of different viewpoints. The show is geared towards listeners who enjoy thoughtful analysis and diverse perspectives on the world’s most pressing issues, and it often interviews a wide variety of guests to provide an eclectic mix of views and opinions.
If you’re looking for something a little lighter, the comedy-driven weekly news podcast What a Day is an excellent alternative to the more serious news shows out there. This show, adapted from Crooked Media’s daily newsletter, covers domestic political stories with a comedic twist, providing a lighthearted way to stay up to date on the day’s events.
Lastly, for those who prefer to keep up with the latest headlines on a mobile device, there are a number of apps that can help. Spotify and Apple Podcasts are two of the most popular options, and both allow for a wide selection of content from a variety of sources. In addition, there are also a number of specific news-focused apps, including NPR’s All Things Considered and The Morning Edition. Regardless of the app you choose, the important thing is to find an app that suits your lifestyle and preferences so you can easily get up to speed on the day’s news. From there, it’s just a matter of choosing which episodes are right for you. Enjoy!